The aims of the Religious Education Curriculum at Hearsall Academy are:
- To learn about, and to learn from, major world religions and world views
- To develop respect for and tolerance of people’s faiths, beliefs and views
- To build an awareness of the different faiths in the local community
- To reflect and develop personal values and beliefs
- To allow for the expression and discussion of beliefs and views.
Delivering the Religious Education Curriculum at Hearsall Academy:
In Early Years, children learn about communities and cultures through stimulating learning activities designed to develop their understanding of the world. Special places are discussed, and children spend time talking about religion and culture within the UK.
Religious Education in Years 1-6 is based on modules of work from the Discovery RE scheme. Modules provide enquiry-based learning and cover key world religions including Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Buddhism. Christianity is taught each year, with other religions covered in each key stage. Learning within and across modules is built progressively. Religions are studied in a systematic way so that children are able to compare and contrast the essential elements of each religion.

Enrichment Experiences / Links with the Community
At Hearsall Academy, we are a fully inclusive community which embraces all aspects of religious diversity. We actively encourage learning about other religions and world views and how to foster respect for them.
Visits to places of worship (virtual or real-life visits) and speakers in school are a routine feature of our Religious Education lessons. By working closely with local places of worship and visiting speakers from various faiths we promote tolerance and understanding.