Admissions at Hearsall Community Academy

Hearsall Academy welcomes children from all backgrounds and abilities. If you are thinking of joining us, you are very welcome to telephone and make an appointment to look around. We would love to show you around our school.

We follow the Local Authority’s admissions criteria. All applications from Reception to Year 6 are processed through Coventry City Council. Please view our Admissions Policy below and visit the Coventry City Council Website for further information.

If you have any queries or questions our Office Staff are willing to help you. All forms listed below are available from the School Office.

Deferred entry into Primary School

Legally a child does not have to be educated until the term after their fifth birthday. Parents may feel their child is young for their age, or there may be other reasons for wanting to delay their entry to school. This is called deferred entry.

In this situation applications for a place should be made in the normal way. The relevant Authority recommends that the parent/carer contact the headteacher of the preferred school to discuss the matter in more detail prior to submitting the application. If the parent/carer then decides to defer entry, a place will be reserved until the child starts as long as they start within the academic year. The relevant Authority cannot allocate it to another child. Parents/carers cannot assume however that an application for a deferred entry place will be successful. It will be considered alongside all other applications in accordance with this admission’s policy.

Where a parent/carer of a summer born child wishes to defer entry until the following academic year and wishes their child to start in reception this will mean the child is taught out of their normal age group. They should still make an application at the usual time but must notify us on the application that they will wish to request a place out of the normal age group. Parents/carers will then be contacted to discuss the matter further and should note there are no guarantees that such applications will be successful, but that each case will be considered individually.

Parents may seek a place for their child outside of their normal age group. The application will be considered alongside all other applications in accordance with the Coventry City Council or Warwickshire County Council coordinated admissions scheme. Where the application is refused the parent has a right to an appeal against the refusal of a place, unless the child has been offered a place in another year group in the school.

Published Admission Number (PAN)

In-Year Admissions:

In-Year Admissions – Transfers & New Arrivals (If you need to change schools during the academic year or have recently arrived in Coventry) please head to the link below. (By clicking on the button)



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Please click on the buttons below for our contact page for the contact information of the school and the Local Authorities Admissions page for all the information you need.