Family Support

Family Support at Hearsall
The Pastoral Team want every family to have the support they need to enable their child to thrive and achieve by feeling safe in their environment. We are here to help with the emotional and practical need of families, listening to concerns and difficulties being experienced by working together to recognise strengths and offer support as needed.
We aim to support families to breakthrough barriers of life that they are facing by engaging the family within school and other services if they are needed. As a team we strive to give every family the chance to thrive and achieve the best outcomes for themselves and their children.
The Pastoral Team offer the following;
- Advice about Safeguarding, Child Protection, Early Help and Universal Services
- Support to children in school Thrive, Boomerang, Forest School or individual support.
- Monitor attendance and support in year admissions
- Refer to other agencies such as school nurse or Family Hubs
- Support parent/carers with forms such as secondary applications, forms or benefits
- Completing charity applications
- Information about support with food, electricity and gas or housing
- Linking with agencies who can support families
Cameron Burns is Hearsall’s Pastoral Manager

Useful Contact Numbers
To apply for Free School Meals please visit Coventry City Council website by clicking here:
Free School Meals – Coventry City Council

NHS Dentists in Coventry
Find a dentist – NHS (

Food Banks in Coventry
Coventry Foodbank – Helping Local People in Crisis
Domestic Abuse – help is available
You may be concerned about friends, family and neighbours who might be suffering domestic abuse – whether that is violence, being threatened or someone controlling their behaviour.
Victims of domestic abuse may well feel there is nowhere to turn to for help and nowhere to go right now if they want to leave an abusive relationship.
A list of organisations ready to help people in Coventry are:
Home – Safe to Talk
Coventry Haven
Coventry Haven Women’s Aid
Domestic Abuse accommodation – Valley House
Valley House – Domestic Abuse Accommodation Service – Coventry
Adult Social Care
Telephone: 024 7683 3003
Children’s Social Care
Children’s social care – Coventry City Council

Anyone can talk to staff easily via the website for help and advice without having to talk to someone on the phone.
Together we are a community – let’s spread the message that no victim is alone.
Young Carers
If you need further support, information or ideas for activities then please visit their website:
Mental Health Services
If you are struggling with your mental health at this time, here are some links where you can get advice and support.
Mental health – Coventry City Council
School Nursing Team

Chat Health texting service
Chat health is a free service that enables 11-19 year olds across Coventry to send confidential SMS text messages to School Nurses who will provide impartial advice and support. The number to text is 07507 331949.
Parents can call the School Nurses between 8.30am – 16.30pm, Monday to Friday on 01926 495321 to discuss any child health concerns they may have.
For Parental advice and support from your school nurse please text “Chat Health” on 07507 329114 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. If your child is unwell please call your GP or call 111. For medical emergencies ring 999.
Online Safety
Online Safety on the NSPCC Website
The UK Safer Internet Centre
UK Safer Internet CentreHomepage
Childnet — Online safety for young people